Thursday, June 17, 2010

And She Reappears

I know, I know. Somehow I managed to fall off the face of the blogworld. May was a brutal month for me. Just read about it here. I've spent the first half of June pretty much just trying to recover and regain my footing.

What have I been doing? Aside from the continuing job search I've had my nose buried in a book.

I am about 100 pages away from finishing the second book, The Girl Who Played With Fire, which means I need to head back out to the bookstore and pick up the third and final book in the trilogy.

A few months ago my mom was telling me and Steve about this great book she was reading and how we should read it. I finally picked up the first book and I just can't get enough.

What book are you reading now? Have you read this trilogy yet? What do you think about it?

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading "The Road" and its pretty good...but gruesome in a way with all the talk of dead bodies and now I kind of feel sick thinking about eating meat! Sheesh
