Tuesday I had my appointment with the Physician Assistant/Diabetes Educator at my Endocrinologist's office. I've been in the office at least once a month since October. It really helps me to be accountable and stay on track.
The PA/CDE and I go through my logbook . "You are still running high mid to late afternoon." So we raise my basal rate during that time by 10%. "If you can keep your blood sugar from going high in the evening you wake up with a good number. This change should help. "
"The symlin looks like it is working well for you. You can go ahead and go up to 60mcg if you want but just keep an eye out for lows."
I left with the overall feeling of success. My 90, 60, 30, 14 and 7 day averages have all dropped. My 14 day average is awesome. Feels good to come out of the appointment being told I was doing a good job. I think if I had my A1c tested today it would be lower, not where I want it to be but at least in the right direction.
Then yesterday I wake up to an upset stomach yet I managed to keep my blood sugars on track despite being sick. I'm feeling better today but not 100%. Today I'm keeping it low key. Sorry for the boring post.
Way to go!